L E E C H A E R S H E A N 。 李佳璇

Assignment 1 is an individual task. This assignment was given to facilitate our understanding of shape grammar and to develop our skills in producing designs using shape grammar. For this assignment, we were given 3 exercises and it was conducted during the class. The 3 exercises are the single rule shape grammar, single rule 3D shape grammar and lastly two rules 2D shape grammar. For each exercise, we were required to produce an A3 size hardcopy which comprises of all the designs or patterns given and compile all the 4 exercises before submitting.
Through this project, I have a better understanding of how a design was form using different rules, shape as well as mixture of shapes. Lastly, I am able to produce creative designs using shape grammar and I think this will help me a lot in future.
The following is attached with the exercises :
![]() B O A R D 1 - SHAPE GRAMMAR.jpg | ![]() B O A R D 2 - SHAPE GRAMMAR.jpg |
![]() B O A R D 3 - SHAPE GRAMMAR.jpg | ![]() B O A R D 4 - SHAPE GRAMMAR.jpg |
Project 1 is a group task where we were required to form a group of 3 people. My group members are Tan Wei How and Cheah Hoong Fei. Each group were required to find one natural or man- made element from actual observations, books or internet which is believed to have certain underlying design principles. Besides, this could be identified especially if the element has some repetitive components, gradual enlargement or reduction in scale, gradual rotation, or other predictable modifying principles. Moreover, we can choose to use part of the element or the whole natural or man-made element. Then, each group should analyze and explain the underlying design principles in terms of shapes and forms. For instance, we can make prediction of how the forms or shapes in the natural or man-made element were formed and translate them into shape rules. For this project, there is no limitation on the number of shape rules that can be created and we need to produce five pavilion designs using the shape rules derived from the element. Lastly, we were required to choose only one pavilion out of the five and show the development process of creating and include 3D renderings of the final design.
The submission requirement for this project is that we were required to produced two A2- size presentation boards. The first board should include the background of the chosen element, analysis of the underlying shapes and forms that created the element and the shape rules created based on the design principles wheres for the second board we have to include the 5 design alternatives for the pavilion, the one choosen design, design development as well as the three renderings of the final design.
Through this project, I am able to identify and describe the process to analyse existing designs using shape grammar method.
![]() S H A P E G R A M M A R - Final Board.jpg | ![]() S H A P E G R A M M A R - Final Board 1.jpg |
![]() FINAL BOARD - shape grammar-1.jpg | ![]() FINAL BOARD - shape grammar-2.jpg |
Project 2 is an individual task where we were required to create a future house which comprises a minimum space requirements of 5 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms, 2 living rooms, 2 dining rooms, 2 kitchen, other room and supporting spaces like study room, prayer room, theatre, music room, store room, porches and garages. For this project, we were required to establish multiple shape rules for the grammar and the rules should be divided into two categories. The first one will be the rules to create the basic form of the house and the second one act as the ornamenting rules to further elaborate the basic form such as roofs, balconies, porches, curve walls as well as doors. With that, we were required to produce a minimum of five designs using the rules without showing the development process. Next we have to choose one of the design alternatives to be finalized and provide the development process of the chosen design. Last but no least we were to produce all floor plans as well as a minimum of three renderings of the final design in 3D where one of it should be superimposed with an imaginary site.
For this project, we were required to produce maximum of 2 pieces of A2 board which first board includes of all the shape rules, a minimum of five basic design produced using the rules and the development process of creating the final design. However, for the second board we have to include all floor plans of minimum scale of 1: 150 and minimum three renderings of the final design in 3D with at least one image superimposed on an imaginary site.
Through this project, I am able to produce new designs using shape grammar method from the rules established at the first stage of this project.