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Exercise 1 is a group project where we were required to form a group of 3. My group members are Ong Huey Fen and Choong Lai Mun. The objective of this project is to introduce us adaptation from literature through different articstic mediums. For this project, we were required to select one of the city from Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino in order to conduct our observation of that particular city. The city that were choosen is "Continuous City". With the choosen city, we were required to read the story and descirbed it in the form of mind- mapping based on our understanding and the ideas of the story. Then, lastly, we have to creatively adapt the story via graphical or visual presentation where we have to come up with an A3 sized painting that represent what the story is mainly about.


Through this project, I am able to critically analyse a theme from an artistic mediums and able to produced a visula presentation that represent the story based on what we undertsand and those keypoints extracted frim the story. 


The following is attached with the A3 sized painting that represent the 5 cities in Continuous City : 


Exercise 1 is a group project where we were required to work in the previous group. The objective of this project is to create an objective observation of the people and society of a given area which is Kampung Baru which is located in between Kuala Lumpur City Centre. Furthermore, this project is to draw analytical inferences from informed yet authentic observations and inform students to be aware of the difference between forming an assumption and making an informed conclusion. For this project, we were required to identify what tools or perspective Calvino used to identify the characteristics of a city. Based on the knowledge we get from Calvino, we were required to identify the area chosen by applying his tools or perspectives in an one-day observation. Then, we were to record and document all our observation and highlight the main physical character of the city. Lastly, in a group of three, we were to select three strog images of the site to describe our findings. 


Through this exercise, I am able to analyse the chosen site critically and able to use appropriate materials and methods of reserach in the process of observing that particular site.


The following is attached with the 3 images of the site by the three of us : 

Photo by me

Photo by me

Photo by Lai Mun

Photo by Lai Mun

Photos by Huey Fen

Photos by Huey Fen


Exercise 1 is an individual project where we were it is a project that show our understanding of the process in translating ideas through the process of creative adaptation. For this project, we were required to identify the issue that contributes to the significant characteristics of the chosen city in exercise 1 & 2 as narrated by Calvino. Then, we were required to structure a storyboard proposal of how the city changes through timw if the issue is unresolve and make a projection timeline of predicted situation in 25 years, 50 years and 100 years from now. With the projected timeline, we were required to identify it to be visualized as a dystopia or utopia city and produces the cretive adaptation using appropriate tools and refernces that we identified in the proposal. Lastly, we were also have to produced a 250- word post- production text explaining the elements in short and visualize our idea through any media that best resembles the senario of the predicted stuation in 25 years, 50 years and 100 years. 


Through this exercise, I am able to apply learnt skills and techniques in an exercise of creative adaptation and also able to think something out of the box without restriction to practical law into architecture. 



After 25 yrs

After 25 yrs

After 50 yrs

After 50 yrs

After 100 yrs

After 100 yrs

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