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Project 1 is a group task where we were required to form a group of 5 person. My group members are Ong Huey Fen, Soo Xiao Wen, Chan Boon Haw and Pua Kai Jing. For this project, we were required to investigate and explore how spaces are created from the making of architectural elements such as architectonics, -solid, planes, lines and frames by producing a complete set of manual architectural drawing of the selected project which is a private residence by one of the selected modern masters. All the drawing have to be drawn on A3 size tracing paper. Other than producing a complete set of drawings, we were required to investigate and formulate our findings into a set of 10 models with the given size of (10x10x10cm) and all the 10 models should be precise and informative to express the analysis of the ideas hidden in the project assigned. Before submitting all the 10 models, we also required to produce a 5 mins presentation video regarding the project assigned. The project assigned to my group is a private retreat house by Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe which is known as the Farnsworth House. 


In order to complete this project, my group members and I started off with our very first discussion on the project assigned. We do some research on the building assigned via internet and books from libraries. After collecting informations, we proceed to our first task of the project which is the 5 minutes presentation video. We compiled all the important information of Farnsworth House and make it into a presentable video where we have to present it in the class. After completing the video making, immediately we start making the 10 diagrammatic models. 


Through this project, I have a better understanding on the idea of using pure and diagrammatic models to express the architectural idea of Farnworth House and I have the ability to identify Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe and his works. In addition, the ability of mine to 'diagram' and analyse architectural work of Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe also increases. 




Presentation video of Farnsworth House 



Project 2A, part A is a group task where we were required to combine two tutorial groups from Project 1 in order to conduct site analysis of the physical context, social, cultural and historical issues within the overall site of Fraser's Hill. For this project, we have a site visit to Fraser's Hill, Pahang to conduct the site survey and the selected site to conduct the survey for our group is the Allans Water of Fraser's Hill, Pahang.  The site survey were conducted by dividing into 9 groups for Allans Water and each groups were responsible to collect data on their given task.There are 10 person in my group and we were responsible in doing the site model of our site.  After doing the site survey on site, we have to present it as a final presentation of the site analysis digitally, supported by 20 minutes verbal presentation and individually, we were required to produce five A5 of our personal interpretation of the site in the form of abstract sketch. 












Project 2A, part B is a group task where we were required to form a group of 2. My goup member is Ong Huey Fen. For this project, we were required to design a birdwatching tower with the size of (3x3x3m) based on the character of the given client. The client given to both of us is a street musician. We were required to design him or her a birdwatch tower at Frser's Hill for the purpose of bird watching just to enjoy the view based on his or hers character. Furthermore, the design of the tower shall include the activities of resting, meditation, observation and viewing in which the furniture an equipment must fit and be incorporated with the design of the tower and the stucture of the tower should correspond to the chosen site. In addition, for our final submisiion, we were required to produce a series of detail drawings in scale 1:50 as a set of a series of plans, sections, elevations, perspective view or axonometric of the designed tower in order for us to explore the cube. All drawings must demonstrate the concept that has informed the design and have to be done manually. Other than provideing a series of detail drawings, we were also required to produce a series of scale 1:50 models. We have to provide at least 3 process models and a final model.


Through this project, I have a better understanding on  the concept of the structure which is timber or steel and ergonomics requirement of a tower in relations to its site context. Furthermore, I am also able to generate structure, form and space through architectural conceptualisation, with the emphasis on the user requirements.






Presentation Board


Project 2B is the last project for this module and it is an individual task where we were required to designed a retreat house at Fraser's Hill for the given character from Project 2A. The character given for my Project 2A is a street musician. The retreat house must function as habitable architectural spaces with the size of 150 meter square to enable activitiy associated with living, dining, showering, cooking, storage and specific space for our client. Furthermore, we were also required to design the retreat which have a relationship between the design and the context which is quite important in making the retreat unique to its landscape and activity. In addition, this project requires us to further the idea of the birdwatch tower from our previous project into a more complex program and we were also required to understand the spatial requirement of a retreat house and translate them onto architectural program. 


In order to complete this project, I started off by choosing a specific client based on the character given. I chose Joshua David Bell as the specific client who I designed him a retreat house. The reason why I chose Joshua Bell is mainly because he have passion in music where he tend to try out an experiment of being a street musician in a subway station although he is initaally a famous violinist which he thinks that street musician is more approchable compared to normal musicians on stage. Therefore, through what he thinks, the design concept of my retreat house is "Approachable to the surrounding". 


Through this project, I have the ability to interpret and analyse simple site context, my client's character and the needs in relation to the design of a small building. Lastly, I am able to design a simple building type that meets my client's requirements and respect the site context that balances both internal and external design values. 






Presentation Board 

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