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Project 1, part A is an individual task where we were required to identify a building in Asia which we intent to investigate through observation and readings on contemporary Contextual Architecture practices and issues in Asia. Based on the selected building, we need to conduct literature review on its vernacular architecture reference attributes such as culture, construction, structure, layout and etc. Furthermore, we also need to conduct extensive literature reviews, to identify the Contextual Architecture elements of the selected building. In order to show findings stated above, we have to produce a printed A2 presentation visual, with appropriate visual communication design and clarity of information. The building I chose to conduct the case study is Sekeping Tenggiri.


The following is attached with the presentation board :










Project 1, part B is still an individual task where we were required to use the same building to identify the specific topic or issues or the significance of study and then define the specific scope of study. Using the selected building, we were required to generate a good research title that reflects the research intention and specific scope of study, within the framework of Contextual Architecture and significance of study. In addition, we also need to create an concept mapping to highlight the specific topic or issues or the significance and the scope of study. The concept mapping must include the proposed research title and research questions, to give an overview of the proposed case study paper. This visual may be used in our design studio presentation to show the research process carried out in generating the design proposal. Furthermore, depending on the scope of study, we may also use examples of other relevant architecture design in Asia, to support our discussions and arguments.


Through project 1, I have a better understanding of vernacular and contextual architecture in Asia and have an in depth understanding on the importance of sustainable architecture and how it works well with vernacular architecture. Besides, I am also able to identify significant elements of contextual architecture through investigation on the selected building, collect all the relevant data, compile and organize it in the form of illustration as well as in the form of text. 

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