L E E C H A E R S H E A N 。 李佳璇

Project 1 is an individual task where we were told to design a mask that reveals our most powerful identity. In order to do so, we have to remove the 'masks' characters that we were wearing, dig deeply into ourself then analyse all our true identity. Furthermore, we have to explore different elements and objects that represent our personality so that we can communicate our personality through the objects on our masks.
After doing some analysis, I have sum up all my general characteristics into my true personality which is introvert. By knowing my true personality, I came up with an idea of designing my mask into a 'colorful faceless mask'. The reason why I designed it in that way because the mask show both my inner and outer look. The shape of my mask was fully covered my face with a stitch lip because it shows my outer look where I am quiet, shy and unconfident. On the other hand, my mask was designed in a colorful way because that shows my inner look where I am a friendly and passionate person.
Through this project, I managed to produce a mask that represent my true personality with the elements I used in order to communicate the ideas I have. Besides, through the process of translation and interpretation, I managed to construct a representational piece of art which is my mask based on my initial ideas that have been abstracted and redefined.

Final Model

Presentation board
Project 2 is a group task where we were required to form a group of 3 to 4 person. My group members are Lim Pui Yee, Liew Chung Hooi and Lim Choon Wah. For this project, we were told to design a confined space with maximum of 12 cu. m for 24 hours use for a single occupancy which was known as "Life Capsule". Through designing this limited space, we will be challenged to thoroughly examine and consider anthropometry and ergonomics which is the body dimensions, body movements, human behaviours and the user needs. Furthermore, through designing this space, we will have a better understanding on how human body relates to space and develop a better understanding of scale and proportion in the relationship between the body and space.
In order to design this limited space, my group members and I started off with our very first discussion after we were given brief by our lecturer. Unfortunately, the design was too big in scale so we changed our design by having lots of discussion. After those discussions, we compiled several ideas and came out with a design where it was specially designed for a student. The idea concept of the space is to encourage student to safe electricity due to global warming as "Turning off a switch today, an extra minute we safe for tomorrow".
Through Project 2, I am able to distinguish and discern the role of scale and proportion in the relatioship between the human body and a designed space or enclosure and explored the objective parameters of design process through solving real-life architectural problems. Besides, through this project, I am able to explored the relation of form and function.

Final Model

Presentation Board
PART A ( TASK 1 ) :
Project 3 (Part A - Task 1) is a studio based group execise where we were told to form a group of 2. My group member is Ling Hui Sim. We were told to begin with Part A is mainly because in Part A we will be exploring several design principles, materializing some meanings and 'reading' architectural design in a series of design tasks. For this project, we were required to choose a building or a pathway where it clearly shows several design principles, analyse the design principles of the building then produce an A2 board with a series of diagrams that explain the design principles.
To start this project, my group member and I started off by doing some research on buildings. We chose "The Breezeway, Revelle College" as our building analysis because the pathway clearly shows its design principles which is horizontal element.

Presentation board
PART A ( TASK 2 ) :
Project 3 (Part A - Task 2) is a studio based group execise where we were told to form a group of 2 as well. My group member is Ling Hui Sim. For this exercise, we were required to design a pathway with a composition of focal point, path and one design pinciple. With all the information and design, we were told to produce an A2 board which consists of diagrams and annotations that explain the 'focal point', 'path' and the 'design principles' of the pathway and a 1:100 scale model.

Presentation board
Project 3 ( Part B) is an individual task where were required to design a dreamspace for a celebrity or a VIP and was known as our dream client. For Part B, we have to apply all our understandings from Project 1, Project 2 and Project 3 (Part A) to design a dreamspace for the idol we chose in a given site. To design the dreamscape, we started off with a narrative which consists of the quality of the site, characteristics of our dream client and activities supposed to happen in our dream space. In order to give a physical shape to our narrative and ideas, we develop it through sketches and several study models. Furthermore, for this project, we were required to design a the dreamspace which consists of 3 spaces that takes up anywhere in the provided site plan. The site plan should not be more than 110 sq. and 15m high.
My dream client is "RED" Hong Yi. The reason I chose her as my dream client because I like the way she create her art work. She is a person who likes to get ideas from the surroundings and even encourage her viewers to draw ideas from the surroundings. Therefore, through this point, I designed her a 4 spaces with the external form which interact with the surroundings which is the site.