L E E C H A E R S H E A N 。 李佳璇

Infinion Architects which is registered under the name of I Architect & Partners Sdn. Bhd. It is located at one of a shop house in Georgetown, Penang. The company is an architecture firm which aim to achieve excellence in built environment. In the company, they practices team work where employees and directors work together to solve out all kinds of problems. The company consists of 12 employees leaded by 2 directors who are Ar. Tang Wei Tee and Ar. Quah Eng Thiam. Infinion Architects provides varieties of professional services and a full range of consultancy in building industry. For instance, they provides conceptual planning, feasibility studies, development layout, master planning, contract and project management, interior design and lastly architectural and building design. Besides, the company sets a mission where they provide high quality services and fulfill client’s expectation through giving innovative and creative design solution in order to achieve excellence in built environment. In addition, the company which was establishing in one of a shop house in Penang provides a good working environment and brings out the characteristics of Penang shop house in terms of architecture.
For the past two months being an intern in Infinion Architects, I have gained lots of experienced and was given opportunities to get involved in several projects which are architecturally related. Within the 8 weeks, I involved in 7 projects. For instance, designing a semi-d at Kubang Pasu, Kedah, development of Penang Port, shop office façade design in SPT, designing a 1,200 and 1,500 sqft condo building plan in SPS, bungalow layout and building design and lastly detailing for a row of terrace houses.
The task that was assigned to us in this semester is undergo an internship training for 2 months and report writing. Within the 2 months training, we will be assessed through 3 task. The first task we were required to keep a weekly logbook of activities, to be discussed with lecturers and assessed via lecturer or employer observation and feedback upon the visitation. Meanwhile, the second task that was assigned to us is to produce a final report. We were required to produce an A4 size report which contains of our contribution in projects we involved during the past 8 weeks in the company. Lastly, the third assessment is assesed by our employer via online survey and testimonial letter provide by our employer.
Through all the task given, I am able to approach myself to the authorities and able to understand the procedures and requirements with regards Planning Submission and Building Submission drawings. Furthermore, through the 8 weeks training in the company I joined, I am able to work succesfully in a small teams for the success of medium-sized project. Furthermore, its a pleasure to meet each and everyone in the company as they are friendly and helpful. All of them willing to spent time sharing and teach us what they know and the experienced they gained throughout their working life as an architect. Choosing to work in Penang it's definitely the right choice. With the help of them, I get to learn and experienced working and living life in Penang especially I get to know more about architecture. Besides, I explored more interesting things about the heritage building in Penang.
The following was attached with the final report :
Throughout the past 2 months of my internship training, the first project which is also the major project I deal with within the 8 weeks is to prepare architectural drawing of a Semi- D which is located at Kubang Pasu, Kedah. For this project, they proposed to develop 10 units 2 storeys semi-detached house. In this project, I was assign to produce three elevations and a 3D model by using SketchUp. Before starting off the project, my colleague gave me a short briefing on the design requirements needed and briefly explain the site context and condition. With that, I have a better understanding of what is required for the design and how the design should correspond with the surrounding and existing development.
Through this project, I realized that understanding and observing the site context and conditions is important especially the existing development. It is because this will helps us to determine the architectural styles. In addition, I have learnt and get familiar with architecture world on how an architect start designing. Besides, I have also learnt new softwares to build 3D models and rendering for better illustration with the help of my colleagues.
The second project I did is Penang Port. For this project, we, a team of five people were to propose on a development of one of the godown in Penang Port, Penang. We started off the project with a site visit and site measuring in order for us to get the dimension of the building. In this project, I involved in preparing the presentation slides for the client and get a chance to involve in designing a mezzanine.
Through this project, I get to know more about the interesting characteristics of heritage building in Penang by doing research for the slides and know how to do a report formally. This is also one of my reasons why I choose to work in Penang. Besides, I have learn the basic measuring techniques and things that I should be cautious during the site visit thank to my colleagues.
The third project that I involve in is designing a façade of a shop office. The shop office is a single block, 2 storey shop which is located at Mukim 15, Seberang Perai Tengah (SPT). This project is in the stage of designing where the client requests to have a few sets of design. Therefore, for this project, I was assigned to build up a 3D model by referring to the floor plan provided. After building up the 3D model of the shop office, I am required to come up with a suitable façade design according to the site condition, client’s requirements as well as the budget given.
In addition, this is the first project where I get a chance to involve in designing. Throughout this project, I have learnt how architects come up with a design according to the site condition, client’s expectation, by laws and requirements stated.
The forth project that I involved for the past 2 months is designing a 1,200 and 1,500 sqft condo unit design which is located at Mukim 9, Seberang Perai Selatan (SPS). This project is under proposal stage where it is a big development with the land area of 29.17 acres. Thus, we proposed a housing development comprising of 4 blocks of 12 storey (576 units) condominium, 2 blocks of 10 storeys (262 units) Low Medium Cost apartment, 2 blocks of 10 storeys (198 units) condominium, 50 unit of 2 storeys terrace and 48 units of 2 storeys semi-detached. Before starting off the project, my colleague and I went to MPSP to check on the land zoning, land density and others information needed. For this project, I was given a chance to come up with a 1,200 and 1,500 sqft condominium unit design.
Through this project, I explore and get familiar with things which I am not familiar before I came into this company. Furthermore, it is a great opportunity for me to learn something new like approaching to the authorities, by laws, fire escape requirements and the steps of how a project starts.
6.0: LOT 743 & 744 : 1,200 & 1,500 SQFT CONDO UNIT DESIGN , MUKIM 9, SPS
Bluebros project is proposed as a residential tower block of 612 units of condominium and 184 units of Low Medium cost consisting of 40 storey of condominium block A (460 units), 35 storey of condominium block B (152 units) and 23 storey of Low Medium Cost (182 units). Bluebros is located at Mukim 13, Daerah Timur Laut, Pulau Pinang. In this project, I am required to help out in producing presentation drawing. Hence, I am required to indicate the drawing according to the right indication.
Although my contribution towards this project is the less compared to the other projects, I have learnt and know which is the right indication needed to highlight the specific space in the drawing.
Then, the sixth project I involved is designing a bungalow which is located at Pekan Rasah Jaya, Seremban, Negeri Sembilan. Before I start the project, I was given a brief explanation of what the client’s expectation, the location of the site and a brief explanation of the site. I started to design the bungalow by drafting out the boundary of the site by referring to the Certified Plan (CP) given and come up with a layout plan of the bungalow. Then, I start the project by arranging the layout of the house referring to the spaces required. After producing the layout plan, I am required to build up a 3D model of the bungalow and design the overall of the house.
Through this project, I actually learn something new and explore a lot especially like how spaces should be arrange for a bungalow with an area of 3000 sqft and I find it interesting as I look through for more precedent of houses with the similar layout plan. With that, I get familiar with the contemporary architecture for landed housing.
29 units terrace detailing is the last project I did during my 2 months internship training. This project is a housing development project where they proposed 10 units of terrace. In this project, I was assigned to draw the detailing for the floor finishes and staircase. Before drawing the floor finishes, I am required to know what size and types of tiles is required for each space of the house.
Through this project, I get a chance to know more about construction drawing in details and able approach to suppliers to get information of the finishes and select the most suitable ones for the house according to the client’s requirement and budget given. It’s a pleasure that my colleague willing to guide me patiently.
In conclusion, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Ar. Tang Wei Tee, Ar. Quah Eng Thiam and all my colleagues who willing to supervised me patiently by giving me such opportunities to learn and expose in all kinds of projects in such a short period of time. With the guidance provided by them, I am aware of how architecture world actually is and I understand how a project actually started out and how it end up with. Throughout the 8 weeks in my internship training, I am being exposed to things which I am not familiar with and I did learn something new by exploring on it.