L E E C H A E R S H E A N 。 李佳璇

“The details are not the details. They make the design” – Charles Eames
A building that was design with attention to detail and minimal framework of structural order balanced against implied freedom of unobstructed free-flowing open space is what I am interested throughout the past three years of my architectural study. It always inspired me to design something minimal and in details where the design of the building still impressed the user. Thus, the architect that always inspired me is Mies Van Der Rohe who is known as “God is on the details”. Almost all his design is free flow or so called “open plan” like what he named his building as “skin and bones” architecture. This reflects how I am as a person. I am a person who is meticulous in planning when I am working on something. I am too cautious to explore which restrained me from thinking wild or crazy. Before walking into this path as an architecture student, I like to stay in my own comfort zone and refuse to have much interaction with others as I am afraid that I might hurt or offended people surrounding me. After I enter this course, I realized in order to be a successful architect or even an architecture student, I have to give myself an opportunity to get exposed, step out of my comfort zone and think out of the box as it will help me in my design work as well. I personally think that, an architect building a building is similar as how you build up your own personalities.
Being an architect definitely is not my first choice as initially I wanted to be an interior designer because I think that interior work needs a lot of detail and it is in a smaller scale compared to designing the exterior of a building. Eventually, I chose architecture as I find this course will give me more future opportunity and it allows me to explore more on building design and sketches. During the first year of my studies, I did have a second of thought of quitting this course as I think I can’t get used to the sleepless nights and thinking that I should not have walk into this path. But then, one day I saw a quote saying the “Do not give up! The beginning is always the hardest”. With this quote, I managed to overcome all the circumstances and the problem I have faced. After I attended my intern and this prove that walking into this path is the right choice as I like the satisfaction of completing a particular project and the exploration made before walking into the design stage. In the end of the three years study, I overcome all my fear and I am excited to continue my future study in this path.