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Project 1, part A is a group task where we were told to form a group of 5 person. My group members are Ong Huey Fen, Soo Xiao Wen, Chan Boon Haw and Pua Kai Jing. For this project, we have to choose one architect from the 6 architect given in the brief. They are Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe, Le Corbusier, Frank Loyd Wright, Walter Gropius, Tadao Ando and Louis Kahn. The architect we chose as the precedent studies is Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe. After choosing the architect, we were supposed to propose three buildings by the architect we chose and finalized a building from the three proposed building upon discussion with the tutors. After a few discussions, our finalized building is Sr Crown Hall by Ludwig Mies Vander Rohe. In addition, we were required to produce a presentation board contains the general information and building inventory of the selected building in order to have a better understanding on the principle, ideas and cntributing factors of the architecture of modern masters. 


Through this project, the understanding on the principle, ideas and contributing factors of Sr Crown Hall by Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe of mine increases and I am able to analyse and identify specific architectural features in terms of space planning, technology, details, form and the aeshetic of the building. 



Group presentation board 


Project 1, Part B is an individual task where we required to produce a presentation board consists of analytical sketches to explain one internal aspects of the selected building from part A. The aspects includes concepts, structure, materials, construction and components of the building. The aspects i chose for this project is construction of the building.  I am required to include all the analytical sketches of construction of the selected building from part A which is the Sr Crown Hall by Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe. For this part, we have to composed all the informations and the analytical sketches into one A4 presentation board and everything have to be hand-drawn and hand-written.


Through Part B of project 1, I have learn how to create understanding of the audience visually by composing factual information and descriptive sketches on the presentation board and have better understanding of the selected building which is Sr Crown Hall by Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe.   




Individual presentation board 


Project 2 is a group and individual task where we were required to form a group of 5 person for the group task. We will have to conduct a research to document the architecture on a selected building from a list given in the project brief. The building we choose have to be in a good shape and easily accessible so that we can get information of the building easily. Furthermore, we have to have a backup plan before choosing the building. We were encouraged to have one main selection and two alternative selections from the given list. The main selection of building from my group is Plaza See Hoy Chan whereas the other two alternative selections is Stadium Negara, Kuala Lumpur and Petaling Jaya Civic Centre, Petaling Jaya, Selangor.


In order to complete this task, there are three steps to be done. The first step is start out with a report writing follow by a layout design then lastly is the web book compilation. The report should be written on the findings of the building documentation and we should include site photos, sketches and diagrams as evidence to support the information. Futhermore, the report can be divided into three parts which is the introduction, main paragraphs and conclusion.Then, after completing the report writing, we can design the layout according to our creativity. Lastly, we have to compile all the information with a nice layout into a web book. The web book should contain creative and impressive cover page, linkable table of contents and the subsequent reports. 


Through project 2, I have a better understanding on the principle, ideas and contributing factors of Modern Architecture in Klang Valley and the types of architecture of the building we chose which is Plaza See Hoy Chan in Kuala Lumpur. In addition, through this project, I am able to analyse and identify specfic architectural features of Modern Architecture in Klang Valley. Lastly, I am able to document architectural heritage in the form of writings for the report, desciptive diagrams and photography as evidence. 



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